Thursday, June 17, 2021

Someone said………

 A poem by Ajay Upsdhyay

Someone said.....

Someone said:

Never look down upon anyone,

unless you are

admiring their shoes.

I took it by the letter,

when I spotted him,

walking towards me.


caught in shine 

of its polish,

I missed the shoes.

Until, our paths crossed.

On looking back, 

what struck me,

beneath the glare,

was his limp.

Looked deeper 

into what I saw; 

then flashed his smile.

It all fell into place.

What stuck in my head 

was the smile, 

it’s sparkle

undimmed by the limp.


perhaps, my mind 

was more open 

than my eyes?

Never mind,

what you look at;

You haven’t really seen anything,


you care to 

see through them!

Ajay Upadhyaya

June 2021

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