Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bidhu's mail from Germany

Dear All,

I just felt like communicating to you all on this Sunday morning.

How are things with you all.

I and Tulika are right now in Germany.I am on a lecture invitation for
Annual Congress of German Society of Radiation Oncology,DEGRO
Congress,at Bremen,a quaint city in north of Germany.

We left Delhi on 7th,on way stayed for 2 days in Dubai, moving around
to some parts,mainly the malls to see here.I noticed a lot of changes
since my last trip to Dubai,the really wonderful area of Jumeira
Palms,completed about a year back.Yet I noticed a huge amount of
construction investments on a standstill,the effects of economic
meltdown is visible.

We reached Hamburg on 10th,then I went off to my conference/ lecture
place Bremen.Sriya is now in Hamburg Technology University on her
Erasmus Mundus master's programme.Tulika and Sriya joined me there for
a night and we came back to Hamburg yesterday evening.My lecture on
cancer care in India was a good thing to open up direct understanding
from western doctors and specialists in academic/research institutions.

Tulika and I will go to Berlin from 18th for 3 days,Sriya is reluctant
to come becos of her study schedules.
The weather is freaky in Germany,some days are real cold,windy and
We return back to Delhi on 23rd and reach Delhi on 24 June morning
around 10 Am.

Warm wishes to you all.

Bidhu Mohanti (Sriya's Mobile 0049-17696807634)

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